Light in the living room went today and we didn't have any spare bulbs! This made a nice change until it got a bit scary with children dancing around.

How will I knit tonight??? Am now past armholes of shalom and panicking about the changes I'd like to make. Why can I never just knit something the way I'm told to?
Also today:
Made saltdough (haven't done much craft of the messy type with dd for a little while, we made up for it today)
We used 11 oz salt, same of plain flour, I tbsp oil and 7 fl oz water. Excellent stuff.

To make a candle holder:

Usually I'd start the drying out in the oven, but it does swell a little and I need that candle to fit in! So they will just have to clutter up the dining room for days on end until we can paint them.
The new Cath kidston book came through...and I'm working on a rip-off of their pincushion

also some painting so I could clean up the saltdough stuff...when one mess disappears, another one always shows up. The anticipation of mess is always worse than the reality damp terry had baby and then floor clean in a jiffy.

A fresh bright wintry walk into town after school

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